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Their Story Their Voice
Love in Action: The Whimsical Wisdom of Bob Goff
Before we dive in, I’d love to hear from you! Text me your stories or thoughts on kindness
In this episode, I explore the life, philosophy, and infectious energy of Bob Goff, a lawyer turned New York Times best-selling author, motivational speaker, and founder of Love Does. Through his work, Bob has inspired millions to live boldly, lead with love, and embrace the whimsy and wonder of life.
I discuss key lessons from his book Love Does, the power of saying "yes" to opportunities, and how love, kindness, and courage can create ripple effects that transform lives. From his persistence in getting into law school to writing letters to world leaders with his kids, Bob’s stories remind us to embrace the unexpected and let love draw people in.
Please note transcription accuracy may vary.
Music by - Neffex - don't want to let myself down
Neffex - A year go
I used to think you had to be special for God to use you. But now I know you simply need to say yes. Hi. Hi. Hi. At the beginning of the show, where you've got the description of the episode, there's a little note that says, before we delve in, I'd love to hear from you, text me your stories or thoughts on kindness I'm still exploring acts of kindness and the extraordinary people who inspire us to make a difference today. I'm delving into the world of Bob Goff, an author, a lawyer, a humanitarian whose life is a testament to living boldly. and leading with love. Through his bestselling book, Love Does, and his nonprofit, Love Does, Bob has encouraged millions to embrace whimsy, kindness, and purpose in their everyday lives. In this episode, we'll explore how Bob's philosophy of love and action can inspire us to step out of our control zones, believe in our own power, and create ripples of kindness that transform lives. Just do want to add this is not the same as Catherine Ryan Hyde, who was random acts of kindness, intentional kindness to others. Bob's philosophy Invites us to look more inwards. So here we go. Who is Bob Goff? Bob is a former lawyer, New York times, bestselling author, motivational speaker and founder of Love Does, a non profit organisation that works in conflict zones to provide education and promote human rights. Bob is known for his infectious energy. And his belief that love is not just a feeling, it's an actual action. He was born in California on February the 22nd in 1959. His journey began with a simple desire to live a meaningful life. His stories, especially those shared in his book, Love Does, reflect a commitment to reflect a commitment stepping into life's uncertainties with joy and courage. Whether it's spontaneous, whether it was when he spontaneously quit his law firm to focus on his nonprofits or taking bold leaps of faith, he amplifies the power of living boldly with love. A defining characteristic of his approach to life. is his embrace of whimsy. Right. So when I read his book, I wasn't really sure what whimsy was. Well, in my head, I thought whimsy, um, you know, when you watch a Disney film, like the old school Disney films, like Cinderella and Snow White, let's not call them old school, let's call them the classic ones. So in my head, Whimsy was, I don't know if anyone feels this, but some days when you're just feeling just so alive and so happy, and it's like you're in a Disney film. Yes, that actually has happened to me. I remember. I felt like I was in a Disney film or a musical. I just felt like I was in a musical, like I was. Obviously, I was walking with my feet, but I kind of felt like I was floating. That's just how high on life I felt. Just to clarify, I was not high on anything else. So there we go. That's basically what Whimzee meant to me. He describes Whimzee as the active expression of faith through actions that are both meaningful and joyful. It's about embracing curiosity and wonder, asking, I wonder what would happen if, and then actually pursuing those possibilities rather than just having them there in your head. For Bob, Whimsy is about combining a purpose with a childlike sense of adventure, leading to a more fulfilling and impactful existence. His sense of humor often shines through in the stories he shares. I'm going to obviously just highlight some that I personally thought were funny. You may not, but it made me chuckle. He shared. in the book was his dad teaching him about guns as a young boy. I live in the UK, please don't hate me, but I don't really get that amendment right of right to bear arms. I don't even know which one it even is. Not even the point. His dad was teaching him about guns as a young boy he hilariously misinterpreted the lesson as a preparation to fight the British. For some reason, probably because I'm British, it did make me laugh. This glimpse into his childhood adds a layer of humour, but also underscores Bob's ability to find joy and lightness even in the unexpected moments. Bob is a Christian. Reading the book my takeaway was that he's a kind of Christian, you want to be friends with his approach to faith is, it's welcoming and open hearted and deeply rooted in love and action. He embodies a kind of Christianity that invites others in with kindness, whimsy, and an infectious enthusiasm for life for him, it's not about preaching, it's about living a life that inspires others to love boldly and without limits. His book challenges us to think about love as something we do, not just something that we feel. My favorite story in the book is His journey to getting into law school when he initially applied to law school. His application was unsuccessful but instead of accepting the rejection He turns up at the Dean's office. Every day. He knew his schedule and would repeatedly tell him every single time he saw him. I know my application was rejected. All I need to hear from you is tell me to get my books. He believed the power of words could launch us forward. A belief that kept him coming back despite the odds. I'm so sorry. I know this is me definitely going off on a tangent, but the despite the odds just made me think of the film, the film where they say the odds are in your favor. What is that? Hunger games. The odds are in your favor. That was a very bad example. It didn't work out the same for Bob as it did in Hunger Games. One day, the Dean finally said to him, Go get your books. A moment that marked the beginning of Bob's legal career. Years later, as a professor teaching law, Bob carried that memory with him. When he encountered prospective students who had been rejected, He would approach them and simply say, go buy your books. By doing this, Bob passed along the same belief and encouragement that had once been shown to him. Bob invites us to be present, show up, even when it's inconvenient, it can make a world of difference. One of his philosophies, is to say yes to opportunities, even if they scare you. Lean into the unknown with faith and enthusiasm. Love without limits. Love everyone always. He challenges us to help strangers and forgive those who wronged us. Live boldly, believe in your own power and dream big. Living boldly is a central theme. In his life and his work, he challenges us to say yes to opportunities that scare us, step into the unknown and trust that incredible things happen when we embrace life with courage and faith. On September the 11th, Bob asked his three children, if you had five minutes, what would you ask world leaders? Inspired by the question, they decided to write letters to as many of the world leaders as they could. Amazingly, some of them actually responded, including, Tony Blair. Tony Blair was once the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He responded with the quintessentially British phrase, jolly good idea. Yes, I actually did an accent. This response became a running joke in Bob's household. He would later share how none of them really knew what jolly good meant. However, from that point on, whenever he said to his children, have you done your homework? They cheerfully respond with, jolly good. I'm assuming King Charles probably says jolly good. Bob reminds us that living boldly doesn't mean we need grand gestures or perfect plans. It can be as simple as showing up, taking the first step or saying yes to a new challenge. Boldness is about believing in your own power. The idea that we each have the ability to impact the world in our own unique way. He speaks about the importance of listening to our internal tuning fork, that deep, authentic sense of what resonates with us, which means different things to different people. And. I don't believe any of them are wrong or right. I don't think that's how it works. Trusting this inner guidance helps us align with people, opportunities and actions that reflect our values. His philosophy is that we often miss out on a world of possibilities because we're so used to following the scripts. These scripts, societal expectations, fears or routines, can hold us back from exploring paths that could lead us to incredible opportunities. He invites us to let go of those constraints and embrace the unexpected, trusting that love and faith can guide us into uncharted territories filled with purpose. and adventure. He also emphasises the importance of relationships. We have the power to choose who we do life with. Who knew? I feel like now, as I get older, I realise that is completely correct. We actually get to choose who we do life with by surrounding ourselves with people who inspire us, support us. and challenge us to grow. We can create a life filled with purpose and joy. Bob's life and work have inspired countless acts of kindness. Through his organization Love Does, they've built schools in conflict zones like Uganda, Somalia and Afghanistan. Provided education to thousands of children who wouldn't otherwise have access to it and empowered individuals to dream big and take action in their own communities. I do need to say, because Bob is also a realist, he understands Sometimes it's not going to be easy and he acknowledges that disputes and conflicts, they're inevitable. He emphasizes the importance of addressing conflicts directly rather than deferring them. When I was reading the book, I took it on board because I'm definitely a defer conflict. Slash an avoider. Bob encourages us to go resolve that conflict, don't defer it, address it. For him, they're not roadblocks, but opportunities to foster deeper connections and mutual understanding when approached with empathy and courage. This week, I like something on Instagram and then someone criticized the fact that I'd liked it and then we kind of got into a bit of a thing. Um, And the silly thing is, the person was questioning my moral compass and was telling me all these things that aren't right that America are currently doing. And I said to her, I get it. I'm not even American. So I get it from an outsider. But maybe if we all just love each other, regardless of the different things we believe in, I think maybe that's okay, because we're not going to solve it. But that would help. I thanked them for the fact that. They approached me with kindness and the, we are actually, we were on the same side, we both just chose different ways and that's okay. For Bob, conflicts are not roadblocks but opportunities to foster deeper connections and mindful understanding when approached with empathy and courage. He shares that while the world looks to presidents and world leaders for change, what we often truly need is friends. he reminds us that the most powerful transformations come from genuine relationships built on trust, love and shared humanity. Bob Goff's journey is a reminder that love is not just a feeling. It's a choice we make every day. It's about being present. Believing in ourselves and taking bold steps to make a difference in the world. He shares how bringing your whole game to life and relationships requires vulnerability, effort and an open heart. He believes in showing up fully and authentically with gratitude and surrender. When we lead with love, it creates a space where people feel seen, valued and welcomed. Love has the power to build bridges, foster connections. And inspire others to join in acts of kindness and purpose. Love is meant to bring us joy and feeling happy about any of acts of loves that we do is something to embrace, not to question. what's one act of kindness that you can do for yourself? this week? Saying yes to an opportunity that scares you. Whatever it is, know that your actions have the power to create ripples of love and kindness. Thank you for joining me on this episode. into Bob Gough and the transformational power of love in action. if this episode resonated with you, I'd love to hear your thoughts or stories in the show notes At the beginning of the show, where you've got the description of the episode, there's a little note that says, before we delve in, I'd love to hear from you, text me your stories or thoughts on kindness So until next time, let's keep spreading kindness and living boldly with love. Wishing you the best rest of the week. And as per normal, be kind to others. And most importantly, be kind to yourself. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.