Their Story Their Voice
Their Story Their Voice
Unlocking the Power of Self-Love
Before we dive in, I’d love to hear from you! Text me your stories or thoughts on kindness
In this conversation, Rachel Claire Farnsworth shares her journey from a conventional career to becoming a hypnotherapist and author. She discusses the impact of trauma on health, the power of hypnotherapy, and the importance of self-love in healing. Rachel emphasises that transformational wellness is about achieving optimal health by addressing the root causes of ailments, which often lie in unresolved emotional issues. She provides practical steps for wellness, including the significance of self-talk and nutrition, and addresses common misconceptions in the wellness industry. The conversation highlights the role of the subconscious mind in healing and the necessity of awareness in the journey towards self-discovery and personal growth.
Please note transcription accuracy may vary.
Music by:
(Neffex - A year ago)
(Neffex - dont want to let myself go)
Ordinarily, the episode would come out on Tuesday, the reason I have put this out today is because, it's World Kindness Day, Happy World Kindness Day. I don't know why or how I found it, but there's this random website, is also called Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. So I'm just, I put the link in the show notes for that. So take a look. So World Kindness Day, because I can't help myself, was first introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. Don't know how I feel about there being a World Kindness Day, but I guess maybe it just solidifies the importance of kindness to people. But yay to there being a day, and yay to us being kind every day. Hi, hi, hi. Welcome to another episode of Their Story, Their Voice. Today I have a guest, so this is a full the guest is Rachel and Rachel has a book out, which I've put in the show link. I really enjoyed speaking to her. She was, everything that my mind and my soul needed, so I hope you enjoy it hi Rachel, thank you so, so much for saying you would come on and tell me a bit about you. You're an author.
Rachel:Yes. I have a book that's already out and it's won an award as well, already.
Ad:Okay, what award? Tell me everything.
Rachel:It's Decoding the Body's Messages Unlock your wisdom to heal and it's won its first award for holistic health book of the year award for central england.
Ad:Oh, that's impressive
Rachel:So it came out on the 8th of august officially and it's already won an award. So i'm really excited
Ad:You should be you should be excited and proud of what you're doing.
Rachel:It's quite yes. It's quite something I'm, really really excited about it. I've had so much good feedback from it, from people who've said yeah really help them because it's talking about what trauma is, and how it gets stuck in our bodies, and how it shows up as pain and symptoms, and what the symptoms are tells a deeper story. So that's the first part of the book, there's an A to Z of ailments as well, and then the ending part, the last chapters are about unlocking your wisdom to heal, because the antidote to trauma is self love. So it's giving you tips and techniques to release negative self taught patterns, to balance your energy centers, to improve your memory and concentration, there's links in there as well, so you can actually download things and use the QR codes. So there's meditations, there's videos, there's all sorts of things in there, so it's a big experience of a book rather than just the written word.
Ad:Okay. What were you doing before you realized this was your purpose and this was the journey you wanted to go on?
Rachel:I was doing normal stuff. I was working. I went to the bank for 18 years. I went to the school when my kids were little so that I'd got time off when they got time off. And then at the end of that, I was actually working in a builder's merchants. So, you know, completely different, completely different. And what happened was, my children decided to go and live with their dad. I was in my second marriage and. I knew why they wanted to live with their dad because my then husband was, it was just very controlling about what they could and couldn't do. There was so many restrictions, so many things that they, you know, don't breathe basically. And so, They decided to live with their dad, which was fine. I understood that. But if I wasn't a mum, a full time mum, that just made me feel like I haven't got a purpose anymore. I took steps to leave that marriage, but also in that process, I wanted to I could become a counsellor. That's what the intention was. So I found a course locally that was going to do that, but I never actually did that counselling course because the first year you had to train in hypnotherapy, which I wasn't interested in at all. If someone had said to me, go and do that, I'd have been an absolutely no, not interested. You can't make me. But because it was the end goal of what I thought I wanted, I was like, okay, well I'll just sleep walk through this and you know, then concentrate on years two and three. But. It captured my attention and I did two courses about hypnotherapy at the same time and As I qualified in the advanced hypnotherapy in June 2018, my daughter had an autoimmune disease and she'd had that autoimmune disease for 14 years. She was a year old when she was diagnosed and so it was juvenile idiopathic arthritis, which is arthritis in children with no known cause. And so we were doing all the things that the doctors in the hospital were saying. and that just led to more pain and more symptoms. So she'd been in drug induced remission for two years in 2018 and they were really excited. They told her to come off the drugs and see if she had outgrown the arthritis. So we were very excited at that prospect. Only eight weeks of not taking the drugs, she got a flare up in her left knee. It was really painful. They were telling us she needed to have steroid injections and. not to be surprised if there were more powerful drugs that she had to go on in the future. And we've had normal life for these eight weeks. She wasn't taking the drugs. She wasn't being sick every weekend, which is what was happening before. So we were able to go out at the weekend. It's amazing what you sort of fall into and what you sort of accept as normal. And so when Emily was told that she needed to go back on the drugs, She just said, I can't do that, mum. And I said, no, and I can't watch you either. But do you know what? I've just qualified in this amazing method that other people have got amazing results with hypnotherapy and physical issues. Why don't we have a session, see if we can reduce your pain? That was the hope and I said if we have to do one session a week for a year, it's worth it. And she's like, she's 14. She's like, whatever, go on then, you know, not that keen. But we went to her bedroom, she relaxed. And I was, it was my first proper real practice session with an intention behind. I'm getting an outcome. And so I was, it was very much hypnotherapy by numbers. Step one, relax the client. Yep. She looks relaxed. Step two, what do I need to do next? But even though it wasn't perfect, we were still able to get to her unique root cause of why the, the pain and symptoms were there. And she was able to release it in that single session. and she's been pain free, symptom free and medication free since then, which was in October 2018. So it's just, just now at recording it, this is just over six years ago. So that's my why behind my work? If you can do that in one session where you don't really know what you're doing, what else can I achieve? You know, what else can I help clients do?
Ad:You must know this, how impressive that actually is. You were taking her to the doctor, they were prescribing her all of these medications. How did that make you feel? You must've felt amazing.
Rachel:No, I was in disbelief actually.
Ad:Were you?
Rachel:Yeah. I was like, Because Emily was at the end of it. She was doing all that. She was moving around. And I said to her, what was that all about? She said, my joints were just clicking back into place. And then she ran down the stairs and she started kneeling on the, in the lounge floor. And she said, look, mum, I can kneel. And I'm like, you're having me on, aren't you? You're just winding me, you're being a teenager. And she's like, no, mum, look. I still wasn't sure. We kept going back to the hospital getting the six months check up and I kept thinking, Oh, it looks like she's outgrown it. There's no symptoms here. Oh, we're going to discharge her now. I was like, I really have done this with her. It's really, it's her because it's her subconscious mind. So it was, it wasn't. I didn't really believe it until, you know, every sort of checkup she's like, Oh no, she's clear. Come back, you know, come back in six months. But what I really believe is that we're not meant to live with chronic conditions. Our bodies know how to heal given the right conditions and that is why my book's out because on a dashboard of a vehicle. And if the warning light goes on, you know, that needs addressing and really our bodies are the same. They're waving that flag at you going, look, you know, you've got this issue. There's some unhealed and resolved stuff you've got in your body because we are energetic beings. Everything's energy and emotions are energy in motion. but they don't flow well, and you've got that horrible, you know, you're angry, frustrated, you tend not to want to feel that, so it tends to get stuck in our bodies.
Ad:So after you had that first session with your daughter, Emily, and then time then proved that actually, do you know what, it was successful, and I know it definitely was her also because it was her body and her mind, but I'm also still going to give you credit because it was also you. When did you think, okay, do you know what? This is something that actually I can take to other people.
Rachel:I think almost straight away, I could see that, that there was some, even though I've still got that disbelief about have I actually, have we really, I knew that we'd got to her root cause, I knew that she would, it was her unique thing, because in that session, she revealed, that she needed pain to be like everybody and her everybody was her cousins and her brother because they'd all got pain of their own at their time that when she was one and actually I just had my thyroid out which I didn't realize that that was about not being able to speak my truth or speak up and if I did it wasn't heard. So she'd seen me with staples in my neck which was how that you know when she was one. So, All of that. So we did get to the root and I knew that happened and it wasn't like something that I could imagine that that's why the pain was there. So I decided to go and rent a room locally in a wellness center and just start doing like half price sessions. Just let's see what happens. People came and I got results from that. One lady, a few months later, had got PTSD. and I do talk about her a lot. She's also done the video testimonial as well. So I can talk about her, but she was held at knife point when she was six years old and she got PTSD from that, unsurprisingly, but she hadn't realized how much that had impacted her. And in the session, she was still going, but I'm a six and, and what if he comes back? And, and I'm like, just, just the reframe. It's all about the reframe because I was looking at her and going, You did that when you were six. You got away from a man who held a knife to your throat and you got away. How flipping amazing are you, you know? I feel quite in awe of being in your company. If you can do that when you're six, what else can you do? And so it was that that helped her empower herself and she's like, oh, yes, actually I went to the ice cream man. I got help and Yeah, it was just that we never found that man. So that was my fear of what if he comes back? But she said if I could get rid of him when I was, when I was six. Well, yeah, I don't really need to be frightened anymore. So now she's a landscape gardener, loving her life. And she goes to stock car races with her son watching him on the track. And I think that's quite awe inspiring. So I don't think I could do that watching my son. And she went immediately after that session, she said, I'm going to go shopping and buy my son a birthday card. It's his birthday next week. And I haven't been shopping on my own for five years, but I'm going to go shopping now. And, and that's what she did. And it was just, Like, wow, I mean, I think that was another, that was a definite, because that, you know, she definitely went shopping and she definitely went and bought a bag for her mother in law as well, and she couldn't have done that before. So, it was that, and then there was another session with a man with psoriasis who got it all over his body. And, He was very sceptical. He thought I was going to, you know, the usual thing about cluck like a chicken and hypnotherapy and all this sort of stuff. So very, very not in the believing state, but he wanted to release his psoriasis because he'd had it for 15 or 20 years. I can't remember. And, but a long time. And in that session, he released it just like that. Not everybody can really sit that quickly, but it was these three that. were awe inspiring, I suppose. And I've got a photograph of his skin on my website of two, just two weeks apart, his skin before we worked together and two weeks later, and you can see the dramatic difference in the healing process. So it's those three that really inspired me to keep going.
Ad:I'm going to put the links for your website and for your book in the show notes anyway. I can see you, but people listening won't be able to see you, but it's your face when you're, talking about Emily and your two other clients, the smile on your face. It makes you happy. You're happy for them and what they've managed to achieve.
Ad:And, I love that. That's so lovely.
Rachel:Oh look, absolutely and it's why I wrote my book, because we're not meant to live with pain and symptoms.
Ad:If I ask you in your words, what does transformational wellness mean to you for people who might not know? Because I love him, but my partner's a strong believer that a lot of the things that I believe in are very, woo woo. So for any skeptics who will, whatever you say will still remain skeptics, would you just be able to explain what transformational wellness means?
Rachel:Yes, it's optimal health in two words. It's because that's how we're meant to be. I think a rule of thumb is if you weren't born with it, it's something you've acquired. If it's something you've acquired, you can let go of. It is just your, your thing is, it's all energy and energy just gets stuck in our bodies. Because it's stuff that we haven't processed. It's emotion we haven't processed. And by processing that emotion, emotion just needs to be felt. Once it's felt, it can be released. And then the warning light goes off, the symptoms can and do leave. So that's what transformational health is. It's just getting to the root. It's finding, healing at the root cause of whatever your unique root is. And then it can be released
Ad:you're a strong believer, and I completely agree with this, that the mind and the body, when I say it, it sounds so silly, but obviously they're connected. It just makes sense. Not sure there's enough out there that people know that there are other options
Rachel:that's right. And I think another book that I would recommend, I didn't write this, but I think it's really good if I can share it, is The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. It's only a very thin book, but it just shows you the power of our thoughts, you know, and it stresses emotions. Every thought we think has a negative or positive charge to it because everything's energy. If you're more in the negative stuff of, you know, the negative mindset and your critical thinking, then it's all, all that gets flooded in your body. So all that negative self talk is flooding your body with negative energy. And that negativity has got to have a negative impact on your health. Whereas if you start thinking, you know, nice thoughts and you start treating yourself like a best friend, then you've got, your cells are being bathed in more positive energy. And that's why the antidote to trauma is self love. Because when you, when you go through trauma, trauma can be anything that made you feel bad about yourself. It doesn't have to be being held at knifepoint. It can be a teacher telling you you're stupid or your needs not met by a caregiver at that time, whatever time that was, and you didn't feel loved or heard or seen or valued. So that, all of those things, we've all gone through hundreds and hundreds of those things during our lifetime. So all of that makes us sort of fragment ourselves. A bit like a shattered glass within us, a mirror if you like, a shattered mirror. And all of those parts make us believe we're not enough, we can't connect to other people, what we want isn't available and all that other stuff. And so by healing it, it's about you feeling whole. So that's what self love is. It's more about a healing energy. And I've got a diamond on my desk, a big paperweight that is a sparkly, very sparkly diamond. And I tell people, that's who they really are. So this sparkle is them. That's their soul essence. That's the love energy that you're made of. You don't feel that love energy because of all the stuff you've gone through with the negative self talk that's given you. And By releasing those old stories, you feel more whole. That's, that's the wholeness. It's the, the feeling that soul energy of who you are is, is what self love is. It's not really running a bath with rose petals in it. It's more about how you feel about yourself.
Ad:You say this, but I have to say the other day I had a bath with, rose petals I don't know if I felt any differently, but it looked pretty, so I think it made me happy.
Rachel:Yes. Yes. I mean, those things are nice to do, but it's, it's more about how you feel about yourself. That's the point. So yes, you can still, of course you can have a bath with, that's lovely, but it's more about how you feel within yourself. start talking to yourself like a best friend.
Ad:Because that's what I was going to ask you, what practical steps and principles would you advise people? You just mentioned one, talking to yourself as you would your best friend, or even a stranger, just being kind. Yeah,
Rachel:we're nicer to strangers than we are ourselves, aren't we? Isn't that, that's really bad, isn't it? When you think about it like that. So yes, there's, there's that, there's, I've got some free gifts on my website as well. One of them is releasing negative self talk meditation. So, just being aware of what thoughts you're having and then switch and change them into something kind, something nice. That's, that would be really good. Having a better diet, eating less sugar, taking yourself for a walk, that sort of thing. Just a nice, gentle stuff. In my book, I've got the Ho'oponopono meditation as well, which is, I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. And so just, just repeating is a good way of starting to release some of the old stuff, the old stories. I use regression hypnotherapy because it goes back to how, when, where, why. So that's where you get to the root. This is the bit that really helped my daughter and it's what's called parts therapy. So it's finding the reason, the aim, the plan, and the goal behind the that you have, even though you know you don't want it consciously, your subconscious mind isn't logical. So there's a, there's an emotional charge to it. So it's, what's the reason? Is it there to protect you? Very often it is. Sometimes it's there to punish you. If I get in there first, it hurts less, you know? Because if somebody else does it, like if my dad, you know, my dad hit me with a slipper when I was whatever age. So if I hurt myself first with this disease or illness or something, it's gonna hurt less. I get there first, you know, or if I, if I'm doing this critical negative self talk, it's going to be, it's going to hurt less than the bullies when they do it. So it's, it's that kind of, not logical stuff that goes on in the subconscious mind. So it's just peeling back the layers and then understanding it consciously. So once we've understood it from the subconscious mind and the conscious mind is like, okay, but I'm not six or 10. I don't go to school anymore. I don't live with my parents anymore. So much has changed. You know, I'm now a managing director in my company. You know, I'm not six. And so it's all shifting it that way is how it works. or how I do it. But first of all, we need to find out the reason behind it so that we can shift and change it. Why is it there? You know, like a couple of days ago, I worked with a man, beautiful man, wonderful man, he's got a physical job and he's got to do everything quickly and fast and super, super fast. So all these customers love him. But he's also got a part of him that's got chronic fatigue that says for goodness sake, slow down, take a rest. So we're having a look at both of these because the quick part was there because his dad used to bully him. And so he's trying to prove himself. Over and over and over again at how good he is and the chronic fatigue part was just so please just sit down And so we're having this like a little boardroom meeting almost between these two parts that like, okay Let's come to some solution because you know, you're both these conflicting parts are just running the show at the moment So that was an interesting session
Ad:It's changing those old stories that you've been telling yourself for however long, for years, decades. It does take a while. It's not something that someone's going to just achieve overnight. I do believe that that in itself is a journey. I don't know, because this isn't really my area of expertise.
Rachel:Yes, that's right. You've been doing this negative self talk for decades, so it's not going to just switch and change overnight. But you can, but the first step to healing is the awareness. But doing it in hypnotherapy, going to the root can be life changing very quickly because you're healing that old negative story at that very deep level. So you're rewiring your neurons in your mind that way into a more positive way.
Ad:You mentioned getting outside. Can make the world of difference to how you're feeling? Is there anything else that you would recommend, like actual wellness exercises, physical exercises?
Rachel:Those two things really talking to yourself in a better way and going out in nature it's funny because it like the forest is really when you break it down it's for rest it's just and being out in nature is abundant if you look at the leaves on the trees and the blades of grass you know it's all in abundance it's about being in that sort of frequency of it and just taking time to appreciate it I think. makes a big difference as well.
Ad:Thank you. I'm actually staying on point for once. Something else, if you don't mind me asking.
Ad:How do you approach someone who feels resistant to change?
Rachel:I think the fact they've come to me in the first place and want some help means that they're not that resistant. There's still the doubt of, how can this possibly work for me? It might have worked for others, but, you know, blah, blah, blah. But, you know, Because they come to me in the first place and they want the change, but they're a bit skeptical. That's a different thing. So, the thing is, the subconscious mind knows how to heal. And, it's just giving it the right tools to, because if you think about it, for example, you fall over and you graze your knee, your body knows how to heal that automatically. Your cells are renewing all the time. Your skin cells are flaking and being repaired all the time. So we're using that part of your mind that knows how to heal given the right conditions. All we're doing is setting you up for success, because hypnotherapy means you're relaxed, which gives your parasympathetic state the perfect way to heal. So you're in this state of relaxation. We're using your subconscious mind to take you back to how, when, where, why it began, and your mind does know, It's just consciously you don't know. So we go, we use the power of your subconscious mind and find out where it goes to. We don't need to go back to every single time you felt bad about yourself. We just go back to the root. And usually three or four scenes are enough. It's a bit like knocking a table down. If you knock three table legs down, the fourth one doesn't stand up. So you don't need to keep going over and over. It's just going back to the root. And then it's about, uh, Seeing how that impacted you and then how we can change that story. And it's all about the reframe. It's all about changing that story and seeing that the stories you told yourself when you were younger or smaller weren't really true. It's just the, you had to make sense of the outside world. So if your parents said, you're stupid. Oh, okay. You're the, you're the adult. I'm the child. It must be true. instead of looking at the truth, which is that you were just learning at that point in time, you know, you didn't know any better how, you know, that's how we learn. So it's looking at it and reframing it that way.
Ad:Can I ask you something else? I feel like I'm doing really well. What are the common misconceptions about wellness that you've encountered? Along your journey?
Rachel:There's quite a few people think that, it's because of their environment that they're ill potentially, that's why I've written my book, because it talks about what the real ailments are, what the emotional stuff is behind things, such as skin issues are really about your body will you just please notice the pain you're in or somebody notice the pain I'm in. What was the question?
Ad:Common misconceptions that about the wellness industry in general that you've encountered.
Rachel:I was sceptical and that's what my book talks about to start with. I was the most sceptical person because that's what I was doing. I was doing the thing for 14 years thinking that was the best option and yet we was leaved it in a single session. So that turned my scepticalness. And so I think because of my story, I think maybe that just opens the door a little bit and say, Oh, well, maybe if you did it, let's have a look and see what, and I think, you know, we're told it's, complementary or alternative so that we don't look, but actually it's the real deal because this is how we've been doing it for thousands of years. You know, we've got nature knows how to heal us with plants and, and, All that stuff, you know, and our mind is our computer centre, it's the hard drive. And yet we're so quick to upgrade our phones or upgrade our laptops or upgrade our TVs. How many times do you think, Oh, my programming is still the same as it was when I was three? You know, I haven't changed it. And yet we still expect it to, to perform the way we want it to.
Ad:Do you ever go out to companies and promote in organizations for them to pass this on to the staff
Rachel:no, I don't. But it is something that actually next year, I want to be more of a motivational speaker in places like that. So that is on the radar for next year. Next year, because this year I've written them a book, got that published and I've also started training people in my method as well. So there's been a lot going on. I moved house too. So I've had a lot going on this year. So next year that's kind of on the cards to, to be more in public. I mean, I do a lot over Zoom and online, but it's more in the, the real world as well. Yeah, I work with a lot of people in America.
Ad:Yes, I'm sure when I said it, I'm sure that was you who said that to me when I got excited because I was like, Yay, no time zone.
Rachel:Yes, it doesn't matter where you are. It's just, let's, let's hook up on the, on zoom and let's just find out. Which is beautiful as well because it sets you up for success because you're in the comfort of your own home. You're not worrying about the traffic or going some stranger big in your house. You're, you know that it's, and I think as well, because it's hypnotherapy, people think I've got some power over their mind, which is completely not true either. you've always got control over your own thoughts and actions all the time. So I think that by being distant, it just means, you know, there's absolutely nothing I can do to influence you. I can suggest things to you and allow you to see things in a different way, but that's down to you, whether you accept what I'm saying or not. So you've always got that power.
Ad:I think that's pretty much with anything, whatever you, if you want to change something and you're being taught the steps that you need to do, if you're not ready to apply it, then it doesn't really matter what you say. Ultimately your clients do also have to take responsibility in a nice way.
Rachel:Yes. Yes. It's a 50, 50 thing. I, my guarantee is that I will get to the roots.
Ad:I when you said you mentioned something I hadn't heard of, was it a type of meditation?
Rachel:Oh, Ho'oponopono, was it that?
Ad:Yes, yes, it was.
Rachel:Hawaiian prayer, it's not something I've invented, it's something that's been going on for the, like, millennia, but I've put it in my book because it is really powerful, it's an ancient Hawaiian healing practice or technique. It's much more than the phrases we're saying, it's also the energy within the words of it. So it's a very powerful practice and you can, well, in my book I suggest that you record the words and then into your phone and then you can play it back so you can hear it as well. So it's traditionally recited when focusing on a personal situation you want to forgive. and it helps you clear away any emotions that are keeping you or blocking you, stopping you from having the health, money, success or career that you desire. So it's a really simple way of releasing things. But you mentioned something that I didn't mention before, which is breathing. You said, you know, about the forest and going for a walk. Yes, breathing is a really good way. And so, Rectangular breathing or square breathing is a really good way of doing it. So it's just if you can imagine a rectangle in front of you or a square. A rectangle's good because you're breathing in for four and you're holding it for four. So breathing in for four, that's the long line. You're going up and holding it for four, and then you're breathing out for four. Again, that's the long line of the rectangle. And then you're, you're just holding that for four. So that just resets your nervous system by doing that. and you've got that thing, that focus as well, you've got the rectangle that you can then focus on as you're doing it. So again, that gives you something for your mind to focus on as well.
Ad:Thank you. Why did you say. about sugar. It's a constant that I keep hearing from near on everyone mind and body. Why is sugar such a factor?
Rachel:Everything's got sugar in it these days and we just get overloaded with it and our cells don't, don't reproduce the way they should with, if they're bathed in sugar, it's just not. You know, it's not a natural thing. It's processed sugar that a lot of it is rather than the natural fruits and things. So it's just being mindful of that everything's got sugar in it. Whether you think about ketchup, sauces, you know, things that you don't expect to have sugar in, have got sugar in it. So we're getting, we're being overloaded with it. So it's just really being mindful of what your diet is. For me, it's more about the subconscious mind because the subconscious mind is 95 percent of everything we do think, feel and believe about ourselves. So it's just, you know, it's really heavy weighted. nutrition helps, but I really do believe that the subconscious mind has got the power more so than the diet.
Ad:Where does the ego come?
Rachel:Well, the ego is really kind of the personality. The personality,
Ad:right, okay.
Rachel:That we built up, around things that we believe to, to be true about ourselves. So that, you know, you're, so that's the, the bit, but it's the, this, the conscious mind is the bit that we know, we, you know how to speak and, and we, you know, we, we know what to say and we're planning what we're gonna say. That's the conscious mind, the subconscious mind. is the emotional part of our minds and it's also where all our memories are stored as well. So that's why it's so beautiful to work with. And it's why if you want to do something, emotion over logic, emotion is always going to win.
Ad:Right. Okay.
Rachel:That's why healing at the root, you do stuff differently because you're emotionally driven, that's how we're wired. So when you release that emotional drive to do something, whether it's weight loss, you know, there's an emotional reason behind weight, there's an emotional reason behind addiction, there's an emotional reason behind all of it, that we're just so unaware of because it's in the subconscious. So when we release I get to the root and understand it so that we can really see the crux of it and how we don't need that anymore because addiction is just self soothing. We just chose that as a thing to self soothe with because there's that void within us. And that void is self love, but we don't know that. It just feels it's an emotional wound that we're holding on to. And once we've healed that emotional wound, you don't need that addiction. You don't need that substance anymore because you're not, you don't feel, that lack of anymore. You stand in that power. I was talking about that self love energy.
Ad:What I'm getting is. And I hope the people listening will get this is actually loving yourself is actually, that is enough. Yes. You don't need anything else. However, I also appreciate it's easy for me to say the words. It's easy for you to say them, but actually sometimes you do just need to look within and. What do you need? What can, what can help you? And actually, rather than getting it from outside, in the form of being addicted to, right now I can't think of anything, nicotine, you can just, you can actually give the body and the mind what it needs yourself. You don't need to reach outside external factors.
Rachel:Yes, that is the magic thing. We've been told that the solution is outside of ourselves all the time. And the answer is not out there. The answer is in within you. Absolutely. A hundred percent. And it all comes back to loving you. And that's why my, my book has got that unlocking part to it because it matters. It's one thing. A lot of them, you know, other books, might just tell you what the ailments mean, but they don't really shift the gears, which is why I felt I really needed to do the unlocking part of it, which is. allowing yourself to, you know, look in, clean your teeth every night, every day, morning, night, when you clean your teeth, say something nice to yourself as you're looking in the mirror. That's a really good start. Just something nice and then just keep going.
Ad:I'm doing this new thing now where if you say yes to Actually, it's for a reason and I'm so glad that I got to speak to you. I'm really not, honestly, because the conversation has been more than I actually anticipated it would be. So thank you. Thank you for letting me be part of your space virtually and for having some of your time. I really appreciate it, honestly.
Rachel:Thank you. Well, thank you for asking me. I really appreciate you too. The word needs to get out. You've got a really good message what you're doing and it needs to be shared far and wide.
Ad:I just live in this world where, and I know people say, well, some people just say, nope, I'm not interested. And I get that, but I can't help just be the person who's aware of all of these things that are going on, which are awful. So The small little bits of happiness where we can find them and kindness. we have to be for that. We all have to just try and be part of that because if not, what's the point?
Rachel:Yes. Yes. And the one takeaway is, you know, the real thing about all of this is It's love. And the first, how, and the thing is as well, we, we manifest all the time, whether we know it or not. So, which means we are creative beings. the outside world that we see is a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs until this point in our own internal space. So when we start changing our thoughts and changing our, how we perceive to be ourselves. Like, for example, I used to attract a lot of, negative relationships, shall we say, because my lack of self worth and self trust and value and confidence was on the floor. So I was looking for someone to, me what to do, I suppose. But when you start changing how you think, the outside world changes, meaning that you start, better things, more opportunities start coming your way. You know, if someone said to me, go train in hypnotherapy, I'd have been, absolutely not. There's nothing I think of I'd like to do less, thank you very much. And yet here I am, because I didn't understand how powerful it was. I believed all the stage hypnosis stuff, which isn't what I do. So it's just. All it is is a natural state of relaxation and by being relaxed it gives you the opportunity to really explore your subconscious mind, which has been recorded everything since the day you were born or even before that. So it's the perfect thing to work with. And it just, it also understands how you were feeling in that moment. And then we can start changing that emotion because that is the beautiful thing. Like Tina with her, Being held at knife point, we were able to shift and change it so that she could see herself instead of being the victim at six years old, she could see herself now as well if that happened again, I'm an adult, I would just I would do this and this and this and he better watch out because he wouldn't know what's coming, you know, and so that was the power. And that's and then when you go, how do you feel about that now? I'm just over it completely. And that's the power of it, because it, when we, if you think about your mind, and your neurons in your brain, it's like a string of lights, and, but it's, A string of lights that are lit up through emotion, so it's emotionally charged. So all the things that made you feel anxious, when you're feeling anxious in your now moment, it's remembering all those times when you felt anxious and it's triggering it all. And so that wounded like two year old or five year old that you were first day at school moment, it's like, Oh, and then that five year old's trying to adult and can't because you're, he's five and hasn't known how to read and write yet. And you know, so that's where the power is. It's rewiring that. And so then when this, the next thing happens and you've got a talk to do at work or whatever it is, you're like, Oh, I can do this because that wounded part of you is healed. And you're doing it as an adult version of you instead of the, the traumatized little person that was. trying to run the show instead.
Ad:I am so about everything that you're about. I love, I do love that. I say this every now and again, if someone, if I speak to someone who has a message that, and I'm like, I love your message. I love what you're, I love what you're about.
Rachel:Love yourself and love yourself more is the answer to your problems. Seriously. And that's not, that's not Pollyanna. That is like, that's what you need to do and the power of the subconscious mind. Unlock your master key to success by Joseph Murphy is a fabulous book. It's a fabulous book. The text is quite small, but it's a really good, really good book too. And you start to see how powerful you actually are.
Ad:Thank you. I have one more before you go. Okay. I'm going to put the links for everything in the show notes, but where I know that I can get the book from your website, Where else can people get the book from?
Rachel:On my website, it's got all the Amazon links to get it from. You can also order it from independent bookshops as well, which is another thing I'm going to be promoting more next year. I want to do some book signing and things like that in independent bookshops. It's on Amazon. It's available as a Kindle version. It's also available as a book. a paperback.
Ad:I wish you knew how much I joy I've had from this conversation. Thank you so much. That's why
Rachel:I love this so much because it's, it's just, you see, there's the powers of subconscious mind, all these doors. Yes, I've got a framework, but you never know what you're going to go back to. You never know whether it's, you know, what the story is, what, where are we going, you know, what the experiences are. And so, although it's the framework of it, every session is different. It's just, it's just wonderful.
Ad:Honestly, thank you so much. I'm grateful for. Our conversation today. Thank you. Thank you for listening to another episode of Their Story, Their Voice. As always, be kind to others, but most importantly, be kind to yourself. You're doing well.